Excellent piece! I say this as a proud, vanilla loving, cis het basic bastard. And if my sex life is secretly more interesting than that, you'll never know unless you date me. Spot on. Love it!

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I've said it before elsewhere, but sexual liberation should be more than "you, women, are now free to behave like male ad executives from the 1960s!" No thanks.

It's truly dismaying that sad facsimiles of sexual relationships are being promoted as, like, "this is fine!" or whatever, when it'd actually be better for us to work on real human relationships. Call me crazy.

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"sad facsimiles", indeed.

But reminds me of a quip by a girlfriend of my ex -- both having grown up during the 50s in Catholic Quebec -- to the effect that many people talk publicly about their sexual "peccadillos" that they wouldn't have told their priests about in confession 50 years ago.

Though not sure that turning sex into "America's favorite indoor sport" -- as someone once quipped -- isn't a case of crossing the Rubicon. Maybe some merit in the position of the Church that the use of sex for anything other procreation is a "sin".

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"involved with a man who liked Andrew Dice Clay ..."

😲 At long last, have you no shame? 😉

But your post reminded me of a cartoon that I'd seen decades ago in a "Men's magazine". It showed a prostitute and her client in a grotty hotel room that one rents by the hour talking on the bed after sex which seems to have featured rubber ducks, grape jelly, and other silly paraphernalia ("Doesn't everyone use that?" ...)

But she is apparently responding to a question of his in saying, "No, of all the sick perverted men I've had sex with, I'd say you only rank about sixth."

While I'm certainly not claiming to be more Catholic than the Pope, it's hard not to conclude that we've crossed the Rubicon in making sex more a matter of pleasure than of procreation. Certainly trying to cross a rather slippery slope, the consequences of which are often pathological if not fatal.

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"At long last, have you no shame?"

I know, right? The porn, polyamorous lesbianism and naked parties were one thing, but...

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Yeah, know the feeling, and many related ones.

As I once jested to a "lady of easy virtue" ..., everyone less kinky than I am is a prude, and everyone kinkier than I am is a pervert. Which garnered at least a laugh.

But a "philosophy" that allows all of us to feel superior to pretty much everyone else; I should try marketing the idea ... 😉

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Reminds me of the people trying to "fight for asexual rights and visibility" when nuns exist. Nobody cares and nobody needs to accommodate the special needs of people who are only horny for themselves.

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